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LIGHTS! CAMERA! ACTION! calling all students!


Create a unique and original book trailer featuring a book from the 2025 CBCA Notables list for your chance to win some great prizes.


Teachers: Introduce students to the best of Australia Literature whilst improving their literacy skills by producing a unique and original book trailer that features a book from the 2025 CBCA Notables list.

The Honourable Margaret Beazley AC QC, Governor of New South Wales and Mr Dennis Wilson introduce Collide with the CBCA Notables! in 2021

Details for  Participants


Produce a book trailer that features a book from the 2025 CBCA Notables list.


When producing your book trailer remember that a book trailer is like a movie trailer, but for a book.

You want to show others why they should read this book.



• Open to students in Years 3-9 living in NSW or attending a CBCA NSW Branch Member School.

• There will be three categories:  Year 3-4; Years 5-6; Years 7-9;


More Important Details

•  Book Trailer Length: Maximum of 1 minute.

•  Filmed in Landscape mode (not portrait mode).

•  File size must not exceed 200 MB.

•  The Book Trailer must acknowledge the title, author, illustrator (if applicable) and the publisher.

• The Book Trailer must be submitted as a digital file no larger than 200 megabytes in file size.

•  Please read the terms and conditions carefully.

• Scroll down and check out the Tips & Hints. 


Key Dates

•  Trailers can be submitted until July 25, 2025.

•  An online exhibition of shortlisted trailers commences on August 8th, 2025.

•  The winner in each category will be announced at the CBCA NSW Branch  Book of the Year Event in

     Sydney and the Book Trailer shown on our website on the 15th August 2025. 


Exhibition and selection

• A curated selection of Book Trailers will be exhibited here.

• The Shortlist will be judged by authors Tristan Bancks, Nathan Luff,  Deb Abela and Alexa Moses.


Prizes - New prizes added this year!


Winners’ prizes in each category include

• $250.00 book voucher.

• Thanks to Tristan Bancks for his prize of access to the

Young Writers’ Story School –a video online writing masterclass for

students aged 10-14. Tristan, a bestselling author,

guides the students through the creative process of storytelling.

• Medals.


2nd Prize  

• $100.00 book vouchers.


3rd Prize

   $50.00 book vouchers.

•  Certificates for all participants.


School prizes

• The Collide! winners’ school will receive book vouchers to the value of $100.00.

• School encouragement award. This will be awarded to one school, and they will receive a book voucher to the value of $100.00.

2021 Tristan Bancks Young Writers' STORYSCHOOL picture.PNG



Hi I'm Alexa Moses

tristan with Camera.PNG

Hi, I’m Tristan Bancks and for me a book trailer is the collision point between books and motion pictures.


CBCA NSW Branch invites you to be imaginative, inspiring and adventurous while creating your own book trailer for a chance to win some great prizes.

Check out my website for tips on making BOOK TRAILERS.  You can also research other helpful hints on the internet.


So, Lights! Camera! Action! tap into your inner creative self and let’s see what amazing BOOK TRAILERS you can produce! Enter for a chance to win some great prizes.

Nathan Luff Film Pic.jpeg

Hi I'm Nathan Luff, when I read any book, I always turn it into a blockbuster movie in my mind. Sometimes I even have award ceremonies where I give out prizes to the movies I’ve made in my mind. Do you do that too? No? Yeah, me neither. Book trailers are so much fun because you get to create short previews of those amazing mind movies!


This book trailer competition is a chance to share the excitement of books, to hook new readers, and to have a bit of fun with technology too.


For some tips on how to create book trailers, check out this blog post from my website.


Hi, I'm Deborah Abela and I'm an author of 27 books and a few trailers.


For me a good trailer uses images, text and music to capture the feel of a book, hint at the characters and story, and ultimately make the viewer desperate to read the book. But make sure you don't give away any secrets or the ending!


You can see some of my trailers here.





Depending on your ideas, there are many different of ways to make a book trailer. Lots of free or inexpensive resources are available to help you create a great trailer.


Before you spring into action make sure you take a look at the amazing trailers and expert advice from our Collide judges: Tristan Bancks, Nathan Luff and Deborah Abela.


First you will need to create a storyboard to plan out your sequences of images, photos, video clips, music, text, titles and credits. Download the storyboard template here.


Your next step is to collect or create all your project assets (pictures, videos, music etc) and save them in folders ready to create your book trailer. There are websites that have free sounds and images for you to use. For example search Freesound for sound effects to add to your trailer. Or try Pexels for free video clips and pictures. Search around and you will find plenty more available.


Make sure you acknowledge your sources in your credits and always seek permission if you’re not sure that it’s free to use.


How you create your trailer will depend on what technology you have available.


Here are some video-making and editing resources to get you started. Many have templates and detailed instructions that will make it easy to get your creative style just right.


Mac computers, iPads & iPhones come pre-loaded with iMovie software. If you are using an Apple device see the basics of how to put together a book trailer using iMovie at Create a Trailer Project. Create an original soundtrack & add sound effects using Apple’s Garageband.


If you are using Android, you could try Viva Video or Video Show.


If you’re a Windows (PC) user, you can download Photo Story or Movie Maker from Microsoft. Here is a Youtube instructional on How to Use Windows 10 FREE Video Editor


Hitfilm Express is a great free video editor, as its high-energy style appeals to budding filmmakers who want to put a special touch on a project. Download it here.


VideoPad is good video editing software for beginners on PC /Mac. See it here.


Animotica - Video Editor & Movie Maker is an easy to use Video Editor, Movie Maker and Slideshow Video Maker for Windows 10. The application is free but has some restrictions on the video content and presentation.


Animoto is a video creation app you can use for free (trial period) The Lite version of Animoto enables you to create 30-second animated trailers. See How to Make a Book Trailer in Minutes


Powtoon is a basic animation tool that is free and easy to use. See Powtoon: Make Your Own Animation


If you have PowerPoint (PC) or Keynote (Apple) you can add soundtracks, slide animations and slide transitions to presentations, and then export to video.


You can also create your book trailer using Canva and then finish it off in iMovie. Here’s how.


If you’re using a video template be sure to customise it so that it isn’t obvious that you’ve used one. Insert your own music and experiment with different fonts and special effects to capture the attention of your viewer. Tease your audience and remember not to give away the ending.


Most of all HAVE FUN. We can’t wait to see your fantastic book trailer!

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