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CBCA NSW Branch in the regions

The CBCA NSW Branch is active in local and regional areas across NSW.  Passionate and dedicated, these volunteers put on events. Members are welcome to become involved locally, and to invite the general public to these events. The events are listed on the main calendar,  but check out these pages for details their news and activities. These pages are managed by the local groups.

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Blue Mountains

Currently looking for more a management committee. 

Encompassing the Blue Mountains, Penrith and as far west as Bathurst, this sgroup has been an active committee of teachers, librarians, authors, illustrators, editors and publishers who meet regularly.


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Eastern Suburbs

A vibrant mix of passionate teachers, librarians, authors, illustrators, editors and publishers who meet regularly in the east. They welcome you to join them and become involved with this growing group.

Sunrise over the Wheat Field

New England & North West

Our oldest regional group has been in existence since 1989. As well as promoting the aims of the CBCA they hold Booked In! an annual children's book festival held cooperatively with the New England Writers Centre and University of new England.

Holding a Book

Thinking of Starting a group in your area?

Are you far from these other groups, but would like to run a CBCA NSW Branch event in your area? 

Gather a few members together and 

contact us, CBCA NSW Branch,  for more information. 

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Inner West

We are looking for an enthusiastic group of members to manage this group. If you live in the area and wish to creatively connect kids, teachers, librarians, and book lovers with children’s literature this is the opportunity for you.

contact us




An active group that includes teachers, librarians, authors, illustrators, bookshop owners, local business people and book lovers who enjoy sharing their love of children's literature with people.


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Northern Sydney

A lively group of local teachers, librarians, authors, illustrators and parents from around the Northern Sydney area who love books and kids. They meet 3-4 times a year in various locations in the area.


Central Coast

This group  look forward to welcoming new members. They believe that with more voices and minds commited to the cause, a greater impact on improving the connection to children's literature will be felt on the Central Coast.


Sandy Beach

Illawarra South Coast

Formed in 2007, this group has many active  members. Their common aim is to promote a love of the written word as a joyous experience for children. From these beginnings it is hoped that children acquire a lifetime love of reading.

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Western Sydney

Newly formed in 2025, with lots of events in mind, this region is looking for interested members. Contact us now

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